
Welcome to the
MS Paint Masterpieces
Cast Page
MS Paint Masterpieces
Cast Page
Story 4
Story 5
Story 6
Story 7
Story 5
Story 6
Story 7
Story 1: Mega Man
Reset Man: A poor robot.
Proto Man: A prototype.
Mega Man: A super fighting robot.
Dr. Light: A super robot maker.
Dr. Wily: A mad scientist.
Enker: A super robot jerk.
Cpt. John Fodder: An army man.
DisgruntledFerret: A disgruntled
Proto Man: A prototype.
Mega Man: A super fighting robot.
Dr. Light: A super robot maker.
Dr. Wily: A mad scientist.
Enker: A super robot jerk.
Cpt. John Fodder: An army man.
DisgruntledFerret: A disgruntled
Story 2: No Future
Please choose
from the following.
from the following.


Dr. Thomas Light

Mega Man



Dr. Albert Wily





Col. John Fodder



Reset Man

Proto Man



A genius who has greatly advanced
robotics. Passionate and optimistic.
Build: Chubby
Weapon: Super Laser
Occupation: Roboticist
Alignment: NG
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: #3
robotics. Passionate and optimistic.
Build: Chubby
Weapon: Super Laser
Occupation: Roboticist
Alignment: NG
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: #3


Dr. Light's number one robot, with remodeled
body parts for war. Bold and reckless.
Build: Childlike
Weapon: Cannon arm
Function: Assistant
Alignment: LG
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: #39
body parts for war. Bold and reckless.
Build: Childlike
Weapon: Cannon arm
Function: Assistant
Alignment: LG
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: #39


Mega man's twin unit "sister". A sweet little
girl and an iron-fisted housekeeper.
Build: Childlike
Weapon: Dustbuster
Function: Maintenance
Alignment: LG
Eye Color: Red
First Appearance: #39
girl and an iron-fisted housekeeper.
Build: Childlike
Weapon: Dustbuster
Function: Maintenance
Alignment: LG
Eye Color: Red
First Appearance: #39


Dr. Light's former partner who betrayed him.
Arrogant, meticulous, and arguably nuts.
Build: Thin
Weapon: Super Tazer
Occupation: Supervillain
Alignment: CE
Eye Color: Black
First Appearance: #1
Arrogant, meticulous, and arguably nuts.
Build: Thin
Weapon: Super Tazer
Occupation: Supervillain
Alignment: CE
Eye Color: Black
First Appearance: #1


Dr. Wily's first command robot, rebuilt.
His former self was defeated by Mega Man.
Build: Lean
Weapon: Polearm
Function: Combat
Alignment: LN
Eye Color: Red
First Appearance: #155
His former self was defeated by Mega Man.
Build: Lean
Weapon: Polearm
Function: Combat
Alignment: LN
Eye Color: Red
First Appearance: #155


Dr. Wily's second robot commander.
A suspiciously familiar robot.
Build: Normal
Weapon: Pogo-jackhammer
Function: ???
Alignment: LE
Eye Color: Green
First Appearance: ???
A suspiciously familiar robot.
Build: Normal
Weapon: Pogo-jackhammer
Function: ???
Alignment: LE
Eye Color: Green
First Appearance: ???


Dr. Wily's third robot commander.
Not very friendly at all.
Build: Bigness
Weapon: Projectile
Function: Combat
Alignment: CE
Eye Color: Red
First Appearance: ???
Not very friendly at all.
Build: Bigness
Weapon: Projectile
Function: Combat
Alignment: CE
Eye Color: Red
First Appearance: ???


The famous leader of the "Fodder Force" and
a Factor G officer. He looks out for #1.
Build: Muscular
Weapon: Firearm
Occupation: Soldier
Alignment: LE
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: #140
a Factor G officer. He looks out for #1.
Build: Muscular
Weapon: Firearm
Occupation: Soldier
Alignment: LE
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: #140


Factor G's super robot.
The strong and silent type.
Build: Bigness
Weapon: N/A
Function: Defense
Alignment: LN
Eye Color: Black
First Appearance: #717
The strong and silent type.
Build: Bigness
Weapon: N/A
Function: Defense
Alignment: LN
Eye Color: Black
First Appearance: #717


An old test model robot constructed by
Dr. Light for trial runs. A bit spineless.
Build: Fractured
Weapon: N/A
Function: Debugging
Alignment: LN
Eye Color: Gray
First Appearance: #1
Dr. Light for trial runs. A bit spineless.
Build: Fractured
Weapon: N/A
Function: Debugging
Alignment: LN
Eye Color: Gray
First Appearance: #1


A missing prototype robot built
by Dr. Light and Dr. Wily.
Build: Missing Childlike
Weapon: N/A
Function: Autonomous
Alignment: N
Eye Color: Black
First Appearance: #21
by Dr. Light and Dr. Wily.
Build: Missing Childlike
Weapon: N/A
Function: Autonomous
Alignment: N
Eye Color: Black
First Appearance: #21


The comic strip's author. Enjoys filler,
groundhogs, sleeping, and shiny things.
Build: Musteloid
Weapon: Melee
Occupation: Freeloader
Alignment: OK
Eye Color: Maroon
First Appearance: #88
groundhogs, sleeping, and shiny things.
Build: Musteloid
Weapon: Melee
Occupation: Freeloader
Alignment: OK
Eye Color: Maroon
First Appearance: #88

















Originally an old failed prototype, Reset Man
ran away while half-complete and had a series
of misfortunes that could very loosely be called
adventures. After being punted from one scary
event to the next, he's finally found himself
back with Dr. Light and in a new completed body.
He is trying to stay out of any more trouble
from now on, so let's see how that goes for him!
ran away while half-complete and had a series
of misfortunes that could very loosely be called
adventures. After being punted from one scary
event to the next, he's finally found himself
back with Dr. Light and in a new completed body.
He is trying to stay out of any more trouble
from now on, so let's see how that goes for him!
Built by Dr. Light and Dr. Wily, Proto Man was
the finalized prototype for the AI that all
Master-type robots were based on, as well as the
prototype for the body of the Sniper Joe series.
He ran away from home a long time ago, and we
haven't seen him at all since way back in
Story 1. What has he been up to? Where has he
been? ...Has he been on vacation? It is a
mystery, just like Proto Man.
the finalized prototype for the AI that all
Master-type robots were based on, as well as the
prototype for the body of the Sniper Joe series.
He ran away from home a long time ago, and we
haven't seen him at all since way back in
Story 1. What has he been up to? Where has he
been? ...Has he been on vacation? It is a
mystery, just like Proto Man.
Formerly known as Rock, Mega Man was the first
production-value robot to use Dr. Light's
Master AI. Having been converted into a combat
robot to fight against world domination, though,
he's been through a lot of battles and has
become recognized worldwide as a hero. His likes
include his new best friend, the robot dog Rush,
and his dislikes include jerks and time travel.
production-value robot to use Dr. Light's
Master AI. Having been converted into a combat
robot to fight against world domination, though,
he's been through a lot of battles and has
become recognized worldwide as a hero. His likes
include his new best friend, the robot dog Rush,
and his dislikes include jerks and time travel.
The second of the DLN series, Roll is a robot
that Mega Man considers to be his twin sister.
Unlike Rock she remained unmodified, but somehow
or other she has still found herself dragged
onto the battlefield every so often. She likes
cleaning, fighting with the power of love, and
bug spray, and has taken special exception to
the Harmony units. She doesn't like them, no sir.
that Mega Man considers to be his twin sister.
Unlike Rock she remained unmodified, but somehow
or other she has still found herself dragged
onto the battlefield every so often. She likes
cleaning, fighting with the power of love, and
bug spray, and has taken special exception to
the Harmony units. She doesn't like them, no sir.
As the result of years of work by Dr. Eagle, a
scientist working for the government, this big
'bot was naturally activated early and
incomplete, and was damaged quite a lot. All
he had to work with was his bare hands, a
forcefield... and his sheer ocular charisma!
With his mass-production discontinued in the
face of less expensive and more immediately
useful robots, ATLAS really doesn't have much
to say about his situation.
scientist working for the government, this big
'bot was naturally activated early and
incomplete, and was damaged quite a lot. All
he had to work with was his bare hands, a
forcefield... and his sheer ocular charisma!
With his mass-production discontinued in the
face of less expensive and more immediately
useful robots, ATLAS really doesn't have much
to say about his situation.
Rap was probably a G-Force attempt to create a
Mega Man replacement, and he certainly has the
kind of motivation that fits that! As a robot
passed over for military mass-production and
then gifted to the Megalopolis police, he's got
something to prove. Why don't we find out if he
can prove it?
Mega Man replacement, and he certainly has the
kind of motivation that fits that! As a robot
passed over for military mass-production and
then gifted to the Megalopolis police, he's got
something to prove. Why don't we find out if he
can prove it?
Pop was originally designed for spelunking and
deep sea mining, but she has found a new home
working for the Megalopolis Police as one of
their units in the wake of a new strain of robot
crime. She likes sparkles, and she doesn't like
angler fish at all. She thinks angler fish are
super gross.
deep sea mining, but she has found a new home
working for the Megalopolis Police as one of
their units in the wake of a new strain of robot
crime. She likes sparkles, and she doesn't like
angler fish at all. She thinks angler fish are
super gross.
Bazooka is a steadfast and gruff police robot of
military origin who has a unique special ability
called the Bomb Shield. As indicated by the
name, Bazooka's Bomb Shield is a shield made
entirely out of bombs. Now you might read that
and think to yourself, "that's a terrible idea!"
Shut up, you.
military origin who has a unique special ability
called the Bomb Shield. As indicated by the
name, Bazooka's Bomb Shield is a shield made
entirely out of bombs. Now you might read that
and think to yourself, "that's a terrible idea!"
Shut up, you.
A powerful alternate Mega Man from the future,
Quintet used his future foresight and his
incredible power to cause quite a bit of trouble
throughout the world during the last story.
The full extent of what he's done, and the
consequences of those actions are sure to ripple
throughout this brave new timeline. He also
tried to kill Mega Man a lot! He was not a big
fan of Mega Man.
Quintet used his future foresight and his
incredible power to cause quite a bit of trouble
throughout the world during the last story.
The full extent of what he's done, and the
consequences of those actions are sure to ripple
throughout this brave new timeline. He also
tried to kill Mega Man a lot! He was not a big
fan of Mega Man.
Because Quintet couldn't be in multiple places
at once and he had so many different things that
he wanted to do during Story 2, he created
support units to help him out. One of those was
Reader! With half of Mega Man's special ability
reproduced in the form of her "Data Reader", she
has powerful scanners and is specced heavily
toward analysis. Of the two, she's the nice one.
at once and he had so many different things that
he wanted to do during Story 2, he created
support units to help him out. One of those was
Reader! With half of Mega Man's special ability
reproduced in the form of her "Data Reader", she
has powerful scanners and is specced heavily
toward analysis. Of the two, she's the nice one.
With the loss of both their bosses in Story 2,
the Harmony robots are now under the leadership
of senior members like Writer. With her "Data
Writer", she has the power to control and modify
software as needed. In a pinch, that means that
she has the power to mind control any robot if
she gets her hands on them! It's a very scary
power when pretty much all the characters are
the Harmony robots are now under the leadership
of senior members like Writer. With her "Data
Writer", she has the power to control and modify
software as needed. In a pinch, that means that
she has the power to mind control any robot if
she gets her hands on them! It's a very scary
power when pretty much all the characters are
Dr. Wily created this robot a while back, and
he is the partner and successor of Enker. He
had a fiery hatred of Quintet that was mutually
reciprocated, and apparently the two of them
had some sort of weird time travel history.
Punk missed out on featuring more prominently
in the last Story because Quintet repeatedly
plot-blocked him, and sealed him away with a
horrible fortress boss...
he is the partner and successor of Enker. He
had a fiery hatred of Quintet that was mutually
reciprocated, and apparently the two of them
had some sort of weird time travel history.
Punk missed out on featuring more prominently
in the last Story because Quintet repeatedly
plot-blocked him, and sealed him away with a
horrible fortress boss...
The world's leading authority on robotics and
the owner of Light Laboratories, Thomas Light
is a passionate old man who probably cries
whenever he watches a sad scene in a good movie.
In his younger days he was quite the tough
customer, but those days are mostly behind him.
He enjoys advanced computational neuroscience
and cookies, and he has a lot of worries and
concerns lately that he's keeping to himself...
the owner of Light Laboratories, Thomas Light
is a passionate old man who probably cries
whenever he watches a sad scene in a good movie.
In his younger days he was quite the tough
customer, but those days are mostly behind him.
He enjoys advanced computational neuroscience
and cookies, and he has a lot of worries and
concerns lately that he's keeping to himself...
Dr. Albert W. Wily is a kindly gentleman and an
old colleague of Dr. Light. In spite of their
friendship, the two had a falling out of sorts
some time ago, and Dr. Wily seemingly bent on
taking over the world. It was all a set-up, of
course, and he now works toward world peace with
the G-Force robotics team. His likes include
advanced bio-inspired robotics, puppies, and
unicorns, and his dislikes include being
snubbed, littering, and bad things.
old colleague of Dr. Light. In spite of their
friendship, the two had a falling out of sorts
some time ago, and Dr. Wily seemingly bent on
taking over the world. It was all a set-up, of
course, and he now works toward world peace with
the G-Force robotics team. His likes include
advanced bio-inspired robotics, puppies, and
unicorns, and his dislikes include being
snubbed, littering, and bad things.
John Fodder is a military officer from the land
of the free who has been praised as possessing
the spirit of Andrew Jackson, the strategic mind
of Ulysses S. Grant, and the diplomacy of
Matthew C. Perry. Formerly the leader of his own
elite commando unit named after him, he is now
the commander of the G-Force, a new branch of
military robots that is quickly growing in size
and strength.
of the free who has been praised as possessing
the spirit of Andrew Jackson, the strategic mind
of Ulysses S. Grant, and the diplomacy of
Matthew C. Perry. Formerly the leader of his own
elite commando unit named after him, he is now
the commander of the G-Force, a new branch of
military robots that is quickly growing in size
and strength.
Hi there! According to ancient prophecy, I was
born to royalty on the planet Mustelitron 5
during the time of the Great Depression, and
ever since the great war I've been fulfilling my
destiny by making this Mega Man sprite comic.
In short, even in Story 3 I'm still just your
average dude. Continue enjoying my MS Paint
Masterpieces, and let me know what you think.
born to royalty on the planet Mustelitron 5
during the time of the Great Depression, and
ever since the great war I've been fulfilling my
destiny by making this Mega Man sprite comic.
In short, even in Story 3 I'm still just your
average dude. Continue enjoying my MS Paint
Masterpieces, and let me know what you think.